
Connet with us

Sharing the Gospel with children thru Sunday School, Children's Church, outreach events and other fun activities.

"Just Older Youth"
Joy Club ministers to adults by providing outings to various venues and other opportunities for outreach in support of shut-ins and others in our community. Outings include lunches, shows at the Riverside Center in Fredericksburg, etc. We meet on the 2nd Thursday in January to plan events for the year. The club includes members and nonmembers interested in participating.

WMU meets the 4th Saturday of every month at 10 AM where we complete mission projects.

Sleeping Bags
Creating sleeping bags for the homeless. Meet every 4th Thursday @ 10 AM

Bible Study
@ 6 PM

HGBC loves serving and helping with these mission opportunities:
Operation Christmas Child
Blessings Bags
Lottie Moon
Alma Hunt
Annie Armstrong
Helping the Homeless